“Oh these loveless days, last longer than a lifetime.”

Few bands occupy the niche that LASTELLE do. The atmospheric post-hardcore outfit from Oxfordshire wear their hearts on their sleeves with their vulnerable discussion of mental health through their lyrics. Delivered through vibrant, post-rock soundscapes blended with the aggression of post-hardcore, the band’s sound hones in on the emotional impact. Delicate, their 2021 EP, displayed their sound in a cohesive, collective piece while still allowing each track its own individual identity. Three years since then, they return with EXIST vol I.

Intro track “Pine” immediately envelops the listener in a cozy ambience, trumpet notes from bassist Freddie Whatmore connecting back to the closer of Delicate. Drummer-vocalist Mike Hayden belts the track’s hook with powerful melancholy, as lead vocalist Adam Rigozzi joins alongside with his signature emotional screams. In its lament of loneliness, “Pine” paints a gorgeous sonic landscape with its heavily atmospheric post-rock leanings.

Continuing in this vein, “Life In Silhouettes” speaks of a desire to find one’s place in the world. Blanketed in a melancholy-ridden wall of sound, the track’s moments of aggression through Rigozzi’s cathartic screams feel oddly comforting.The song hits its crescendo in the bridge, exploding into an immense ambience backed by Whatmore’s trumpet playing. Intense, while yet not abrasive, the manner in which LASTELLE translates emotion to sound is simply captivating.

Feelings of loss and love are hallmarks of LASTELLE’s sound, with much of Delicate being based upon those themes. “Breathe Me In” delves into that realm once again as it expresses longing for lost feelings. The track is anchored by its chorus, showcasing Hayden’s knack for effective vocal melodies. The dynamic contrast of his soulful vocals alongside RIgozzi’s potently emotive harsh vocals is a force to be reckoned with, illustrating a full range of emotions in their varying intensities.

Delay pedal notes pave the way for the main lead line for “Changes with the Seasons”. Dealing with the subject of Seasonal Affective Disorder, the aptly named track leans hard into the mysterious melancholy that potentially accompanies such a condition. The combination of soaring tremolo leads and fuzzy rhythms from guitarists Jonjo Williams and Rich Lester give the backdrop to the track’s poignant heights. Wistful, yet with a sliver of hope, “Changes with the Seasons” encapsulates the multifaceted nature of a struggle, from its highs to its lows, in an impressively effective way.

Blending melodic motifs from the EP’s previous tracks, interlude track “In Separation” begins on with gentle clean guitar tones, serving as an intro to closing track “In Unison”, beginning on a flurry of fills from Hayden and the full force of the atmospheric guitars giving the song a grand entrance. It pulls back into lush verses before building back into weightier choruses, dynamically creating a cinematic experience that brings a gentle solace even in its intensity.

An intriguing quality to LASTELLE’s sound has always been their way of navigating the aggression of post-hardcore, manipulating the sound in a way that nullifies its coarseness without sacrificing its magnitude. EXIST vol 1 exemplifies this confidently, marrying a myriad of influences to create something that is truly their own. A vehicle of emotional catharsis, the EP honestly reflects on the parts of life that are harder to talk about, and there is a lot to appreciate in its candid expression of emotion. The release displays an impressive sonic cohesiveness, giving space many talents of the band’s members while combining these elements into a unified sound.


EXIST vol i releases on the 12th of September via independent release. Pre-save the EP and find the band’s merch here.