ALBUM REVIEW: The Bobby Lees – Bellevue

“You can take my body, just leave my mind.”

Earlier this year many would have bumped into The Bobby Lees with their EP, Hollywood Junkyard, containing wondrous tracks such as “Dig Your Hips” and “Be My Enemy“, which more than showed off the groups ability to embrace and expand upon the garage rock genre. The aforementioned “Dig Your Hips” is a shimmy-inducing track track that displays the quality of riffs that The Bobby Lees can provide.

Consistent throughout the record is Wind‘s bass work, which is truly irresistible on tracks such as “Monkey Mind” and “Greta Van Fake“, its variation and groove proves an expected consistency to the record. As Belleuve bounces between its tracks, it remains in fighting spirit between each track, providing a base for the remaining strings and vocals across the record. Even on tracks like “Ma Likes To Drink” which are heavily riff driven, the bass does a solid job of holding its own and being the spine of the track. This, accompanied by roaring guitar, gives Belleuve an edge that gives it a unique manner across its 13 tracks.

On later track “In Low” in fully submerges itself in its mannerism and feels like its a record ready to explode. The manic guitar solo here feels pulled out of the 70s or 80s, adding a rock’n’roll element to Belleuve.Little Table” and “Strange Days” change the pace, with the latter feeling akin to something you’d find on a Murder By Death record. The lamenting chords of the piano hold a presence as they conduct the track, with an underlying tension that is piercing as it enters its guitar-filled crescendo at its end.

The Bobby Lees are evidence that there are still projects worth following within the garage rock space, drawing on influences from punk and rock’n’roll to give it an edge that shakes away any cobwebs that might be present in the mind. With its swagger and authority, Bellevue places the quartet on a route that will be interesting to keep an eye on. With sparks of creativity scattered across the record, it has the potential to flourish into something grander and impressive. For now listeners will have the joy of having a shimmy to Belluvue‘s bouncing grooves and riffs.


Belleuvue is out tomorrow via Ipecac Recordings and can be pre-ordered here.