END Announce Sophomore Full-Length The Sin of Human Frailty

In what will likely come as one of the more unexpected announcements of this year, END have today announced their sophomore full-length, The Sin of Human Frailty. Set to release in October, the record will come three years on from their debut LP, Splinters from an Ever-Changing Face. The announcement comes alongside the release of a new single, “Gaping Wounds of Earth“, which can be listened to below.

The Sin of Human Frailty will once again include a handful of genre-spanning features: J.R. Hayes of Pig Destroyer & Enemy Soil, Dylan Walker of Full of Hell, and lastly, Debbie Gough of Heriot, the latter having supported END in London during their UK and European last year. These features continue the American unit’s trend of unique and somewhat niche collaborations, from the likes of Tanner Meritt and Pete Morcey on their previous album to last year’s collaboration split EP with Cult Leader.

Since their explosive inception in 2017, END have now hit Europe, Asia, and North America on tour, with their next spanning across America alongside Full of Hell and supported by Inter Arma and WAKE. Details for the upcoming tour can be found here.

The record’s artwork was created by Alex Eckman-Lawn, who has previously created tour artwork for the Smashing Pumpkins and merchandise for Imperial Triumphant. As expected, END guitarist Will Putney (who runs Graphic Nature Audio out of Belleville, NJ) produced and engineered the full-length.

The Sin of Human Frailty will release on October 27th via Closed Casket Activities, and can be pre-ordered here. The records artwork and track details can be viewed below. For a full review of The Sin of Human Frailty and further END news, keep an eye on BoolinTunes.

  1. A Predator Yourself [01:22]
  2. Gaping Wounds of Earth [02:43]
  3. The Sin of Human Frailty [02:11]
  4. Thaw (feat. Debbie Gough of Heriot) [03:41]
  5. Embodiment of Grief [03:17]
  6. Twice Devoured Kill (fest. J.R. Hayes of Pig Destroyer & Enemy Soil) [03:32]
  7. Worthless Is the Lamb (fest. Dylan Walker of Full of Hell) [02:30]
  8. Hollow Urn [03:14]
  9. Infest [02:33]
  10. Leper [05:04]