IN CONVERSATION: Emarosa ahead of “Preach”

Welcome to In Conversation, a special interview column on the site where we sit down with artists and dive deep into everything music. This week, Joe spoke with Emarosa to discuss the band’s upcoming single, plans for 2022 and LP6.

How are you feeling entering into this new phase of Emarosa?

Excited, nervous, anxious, all of the things that you feel when you’re proud of something and are about to show people. It’s another leap for this band and I’m extremely happy with it.

What are the main influences on the track “Preach”?

I think some Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul, new Jack Swing, it feels very 90s to me. Very reminiscent of sitting in the back of my Mom’s car as a kid and watching her jam out to pop radio.

Can we expect to see a similar artistic approach to the upcoming album as seen with Peach Club?

That’s a safe assumption, it’s definitely in the pop realm in the way that Peach Club is but I think we took more risks, matured, and broke through the next barrier to see what was on the other side. I’m sure because it’s pop people will think ‘Peach Club 2’ but it’s much more in my opinion.

Is there going to be a new direction with the new material or will it follow on from the previous album?

It’s not so much a new direction as it is going further down the rabbit hole. At the end of the day, we’re going to keep making what comes out naturally. I don’t know what the next thing is ever, I don’t see the fun in that. 

Along with new material, are there any other plans for Emarosa this year?

I do want to say we’re making some moves behind the scenes and trying to put something together but it’s up in the air seeing as shows and tours still get cancelled from the pandemic. It’s a tricky place for artists, still.

With it now being three years since “Peach Club” came out, do you have any reflections on that record?

I’m extremely proud of that album and what it did for this band. I think up to that point it’s by far my favourite album we released, it brought my favourite tour we’d ever been on, introduced us to an amazing new fan base that we are very grateful for. I can’t say enough great things about that album. It will be a staple in my life and career. I can’t gas it up enough. 

What was it like being back in the studio and putting LP6 together? 

It was strange after years of a pandemic, being in the room and creating again. It took me a minute to get my sea legs back, but once we dove in it was very easy to get back into a groove. Especially with Courtney Ballard who we did Peach Club with, we really make something special when he’s in the room.

Many thanks to Emarosa for sitting down for a chat with us.