Welcome to Boolin Tunes’ list week for 2024. If, like us, you are passionate about the fresh, bleeding edge of the alternative music world, you are in the right place. Our coverage of the alternative music landscape is highly motivated by our excitement for its emerging acts. Through our New Music Friday and Releases You May Have Missed series, we dig deep into the DIY world, and every week we’re excited by what we find. You might say that our heads are so on-the-ground that we’ve ruptured our eardrums.
Whilst our EP and LP lists will naturally focus on more established projects, producing a list of singles allows us to go a bit deeper. The key rule for this list is that a track must be a “non album” or “non EP” single. There are some exceptions – the tactic of combining singles into EPs for optimal queuing muddies the waters somewhat, and several of these tracks are expected to be on albums or EPs next year. If you think we’ve missed something essential, check our 2024 EP and LP lists which will drop very soon.

Hot Mulligan – Stickers for Brian (Wax Bodega)
Dobbin T: “Stickers for Brian” got bundled into the Warmer Weather three-track single, but it sticks in our minds as its own release. It’s also been a high point among many on their touring set list this year, and a fantastic demonstration of Hot Mulligan’s earworm potential. As you can tell from its name (what’s new, Hot Mulligan?), it’s about being stuck in a job you hate, and threatening DIY chlorine gas production in response to all the mall music you’re subjected to. Rest assured, the aux is always safe with Hot Mulligan.

King Yosef – Mist Of Pain/Dredge (BLEAKHOUSE)
Joe: With the industrial-come-metal world becoming increasingly popular, each year brings a reminder that King Yosef is still the top act at this sound. Doubling down on the harshness shown on An Underlying Hum, Yosef puts forward something that is bleak and harrowing. It more than makes for a fitting soundtrack of our times, while keeping true to the sound that many have come to adore this act for.

Rollover Dispatch – B.F.D (Independent)
Shane C: Hunter Young continues his dominant run with Darius Tehrani of Spite in his newest collaboration project, Rollover Dispatch. Fans of Young‘s rising revival era superpower Psycho-Frame will find plenty to revel in with “B.F.D.“. Prepare your cranium, it’s a heavy hitter that hits those nostalgia receptors in the most gleefully brutal way possible.

Terminal Sleep – SPINELESS / SHADOWS (Independent)
Joe: Each year Terminal Sleep crank their aggressiveness and sheer anger up a level, with 2024 be no different. “SPINELESS / SHADOWS” goes for the jugular in every manner, with Thorwesten delivering some of the most caustic vocals of the year. Terminal Sleep have been booked for festivals worldwide in 2025, thus next year will bring a well deserved spotlight, with these two tracks ready to prove that in every way.

Death Goals – COVO (A Song For John Gohorry) (Independent)
Dobbin T: Death Goals have demonstrated how to have a good “non-LP” year, taking their queercore two-piece show out to Europe twice, dropping a split EP with transatlantic friends Dreamwell, and two singles, “Knife Bouquet” and “COVO (A Song For John Gohrry)”. The latter is our pick for this list and is a classic Death Goals track – barbed and chaotic hardcore-meets-mathcore – while being a portrait of grief. It’s a tribute to Harry Bailey’s late grandfather, an accomplished poet who passed away in 2021. The simple connection between Times Literary Supplement-poetry to furious queercore demonstrates that art’s boundaries are mostly made up. Furthermore, the song’s way of processing loss will be relatable to so many: “My mother told me what happens when we die / ‘We live on in the memories of those we loved in life’ / Those sweet words do nothing / Nothing but decay”.

Breaking Benjamin – Awaken (BMG)
Max: At this stage in their career, Breaking Benjamin are legends. Perhaps divisive through just how much they engage with the admittedly divisive post-grunge aesthetic of the early noughties, it’s undeniable just how much of an impact they’ve had on heavy music as a whole following their emergence. Even still, this wasn’t a blurb I was expecting to write – but as it turns out, Breaking Benjamin’s first new song in almost seven years is one of the best of their career. “Awaken” emerged in the latter half of 2024, and showcased a band that is not resting on their laurels (like so many of their contemporaries). They’re more intent in moving forward, all the while understanding what made the greatest of their discography tick. With a notable heavy twist on the typical Breaking Benjamin formula, and a chorus reminiscent of a cut from the upper echelon of Dear Agony, “Awaken” still stands as one of my biggest musical surprises all year, and with any hope is a sign of great things to come for the band in 2025.

Starved – It Happened Near Your Home (feat. Harvey Freeman) (Independent)
Joe: For many involved in the UK’s underground heavy scene, Starved will be one of their favourite acts, especially after encountering them in a live setting. Tracks such as “Sunday Cliche”, “Disma” and “Moments of Late” are absolutely barnstormers. Starved further evolved their nu-core sound on “It Happened Near Your Home” with menacing riffs, turntables aplenty, and they top it off with a feature from the king of the genre, Harvey Freeman.

BIND. – The End of Everyhing as You Know (Independent)
Joe: Each time BIND. drop a new track, they knock it out of the park. Previous releases such as “Swallowed by a Fading Light” and “No Space” on record and live are both incredible, yearning to be screamed along to at every moment. “The End of Everything as You Know” continues this trend, as it thumps away with fury at each riff and groove, before indulging in an essential BIND. breakdown that every listener has come to know and love.

Malice – Flayed Lord (feat. Jessie Powell) (Independent)
Joe: Most of the quality deathcore has been happening across the Atlantic, but Malice have ensured that the UK stays in the conversation when it comes to this new wave. “Flayed Lord” shows that Malice are fierce and violent in every sense, with Jessie Powell showing a side to their vocals that surprised many and add an extra edge of ferality to Malice’s sound here.

Exist Immortal – Higher Ground (feat. Megan Targett) (Seek & Strike)
Joe: Impressing across several singles across 2024, Exist Immortal’s infectious energy truly thrives on “Higher Ground”. It’s got hooks aplenty with Meyrick’s catchy delivery on the chorus, backed by riffs that could have a listener running through walls. The exclamation point is the sublime vocal feature from Megan Targett of VEXED, where their traded vocals turn this track into something much higher.

iRis.EXE – DISASTER GIRL (Independent)
Joe: Experimentation is what continues to make the iRis.EXE project so intriguing and exciting. Iterating through “SMiLE” and “mercykiller”, the latest string of singles have only been more ambitious. “DISASTER GIRL” is a spectacle genre bending, from 00s pop and breakbeat to industrial electronics. This conjures a track unlike anything else this year.

deathdotgov – The Observer (Independent)
Jack W: After releasing two full live albums, it was about time that we finally got to hear deathdotgov in a studio setting. As a debut release, “The Observer” absolutely does not disappoint. An eclectic blend of post hardcore and pop rock, the self-proclaimed “musical war crime” committers absolutely exploded onto the scene and have already staked their claim as one of the best upcoming acts within their niche. With three singles now released by the band, we can only wait and see what 2025 has in store for this chaotic quartet.

unpeople – the garden (SHARPTONE)
Jack CG: Apparently it just wasn’t enough for unpeople to make our end of year lists just once. They simply were not satisfied until they burrowed “LET’S GO DOWN’A THE GARDEN”, and its accompanying chest-rattling bass hook, deep inside the folds of our brains like a sleeper agent activation phrase, before subsequently sealing all exits. Infuriatingly catchy earworms aside, “the garden” is yet another big stride for the unpeople nation off the back of their self-titled debut EP, and gives us a great idea of where the sound of this band is headed. It boasts many of the strengths of the aforementioned first effort, taken to a grander, more exaggerated scale, whilst sprinkling a pinch of boisterous classic rock attitude on top for flavour. Whether or not the existence of “the garden” alludes to a larger body of work (a potential LP is yet to be seen), it chalks yet another instantly-recognisable hit onto the scoreboard of the band’s discography.

Thornhill – Nerv (UNFD)
Max: The Aussie metalcore unit’s first follow-up to our sitewide (and my personal) top album of 2022 in Heroine, “nerv” yet another shoegaze-tinged alt-metal banger from the Oceania’s best and brightest, featuring some of their nastiest riffwork to date, alongside a typically stellar hook. Feeling like a more concerted effort to bridge the gap between Heroine and The Dark Pool, “nerv” is sure to please fans on both sides of the (decidedly firmly divided) line, and it does so in brilliant fashion. With stellar songwriting and their strongest production yet, if “nerv” is an indicator of what’s to come on LP3, expect another high ranking from ourselves at Boolin.

Break Fifty – Pillbox // Under The Dirt (Independent)
Max: One of the most refreshing and electrifying voices in the UK underground right now, nu-core unit Break Fifty are a band that you need to be keeping an eye on. There’s truly no better evidence than their recent double single featuring “Pillbox” and “Under The Dirt”, however, which, particularly in the latter’s case, stand as some of the strongest the genre has had to offer all year. Frantic vocals and unrelenting instrumental work, alongside some masterful atmosphere, all work in perfect synergy to create a truly enthralling double single from a truly underappreciated UK group that encapsulates the very best of the subgenre’s US-based origins through bands like Villains, whilst modernising it in a way that feels intentioned and progressive.

concealer. – [tarnished | ableedingsky] (Zegema Beach Records)
Joe: Elden Ring samples and stylings aplenty, concealer. arguably deliver one of the best modern stylings of metalcore revival on double single “[tarnished | ableedingsky]”. Much like their contemporaries Foreign Hands, concealer. are channeling the contrast of harsh and clean vocals that feel akin to early Atreyu and Underoath.They bring their own abrasive edge that will leave anyone who indulges in these two tracks absolutely hooked.

newcomer – Wicked Wiki Witwicky (8th Sea City Radio)
Max: Truly one of the wildest groups I’ve had the pleasure of coming across all year, self-proclaimed Dominican Beastie Boys, Newcomer, showcase a soundscape that’s as chaotic as it is enthralling. Interweaving elements of nu-metal, hardcore and shoegaze create a genre interplay that feels truly unique, whilst Aaron Chaparian’s stellar production and mix work give the track a considerable weight that truly sells the package as a whole. Hopefully a full-length, or at least an EP is to come in 2025, featuring both “Wicked Wiki Witwicky” and previous single “Jiggy Jake Gyllie”, as these tracks paint a picture of a band about to take over the world.

nightlife – strangeluv (Independent)
Max: Not intent on letting a year slip by without dropping some heat, Baltimore’s nightlife yet again show up to demonstrate exactly why they are one of the hottest new names in alternative music right now. The band’s keen ‘90s and ‘00s R&B flair shows up here in spades. Their signature funky basswork and low-tuned riffing truly work to tie their entire sound together. “strangeluv” continues to showcase nightlife as the one true follow-up to the late Issues. With rumours on the horizon of a full length debut to come in 2025, it seems that nightlife truly won’t ever make us wait too long for the next stream of vibe-laden bangers.

fallingwithscissors – openyoureyes (Independent)
Jack W: Quickly becoming one of the most notable nu-core bands within the scene, fallingwithscissors surprised dropped “openyoureyes” to a resounding success. Playfully flirting between genres and styles, the band showcases an understanding and prowess which many established acts still lack after years of work. As a followup release after their stellar EP The Death And Birth Of An Angel, this single goes to prove that they are much more than a flash in the pan, and that they only plan on getting better as time goes on.

Love Rarely – Mould/Whiplash (Big Scary Monsters)
Joe: To little surprise, this won’t be the first inclusion of Love Rarely on our end of year outings. After proving themselves on debut EP Lonely People, they showed they still had more in the tank for 2024, with dual single offering “Mould/Whiplash”, showing the impressive versatility of the Leeds unit. “Mould” an emotive tribulation, carved out by CJ’s vocals and complemented by noodly riffs, before flipping to “Whiplash” leaning into their prog-rock side and delivering a track to have a shimmy to.

Static Dress – Crying (Roadrunner Records)
Jonathan: Since the release of the acclaimed Rouge Carpet Disaster in 2022, Static Dress have been busy. Their ambitious multimedia approach has seen them go as far as to release their very own game for GameBoy Colour, demonstrating the lengths the band is willing to go to create a one-of-a-kind experience. “crying” is the band’s only single this year, and it continues to expand on their signature 2000s post-hardcore revival style with explosive vigour. It wastes no time in building into its massive chorus, charged with an infectious energy that cements it as an instant hit. Perfectly balancing unbridled aggression with an overall smooth, melodic direction, it’s a showcase of the consistency of the band.

Chamber – Tears of Joy (Pure Noise Records)
Dobbin T: We’re still basking in the aftermath of A Love To Kill For, one of the strongest mathcore records in 2023 (and hardly topped this year either). Chamber haven’t taken this for granted and delivered one of our favourite songs of 2024. If it’s your first exposure to the band, it’s a concentrated dose of their tempo bending ‘core sound. For the initiated, it’s been much more than a cutting-room-floor artifact from their last studio session. We hope that the wider scene takes some cues from the unhinged nature of Chamber’s guitarwork.

Omerta – Charade (feat. Vincente Void & Hash Gordon) (Blowed Out Records/END)
Jack CG: Omerta have forcefully scrawled their name onto the walls of the genre through eclectic chronicles of hathos and self-inflicted grief many a time. Whether you know them from their multiple musical metamorphoses since inception, or perhaps the ruffling of feathers they occasionally uproot on social media, you’ve undoubtedly heard of them in some capacity. Well, another year, another drip-feeding session from these damaged minds on the seemingly never-ending journey towards their next major release Suicycle. Whilst initially appearing a touch more accessible than the likes of last year’s “Antiamorous” the sound of this band’s latest rebirth becomes increasingly tangible by the day, pulling no punches when it comes to scathing vocal performances and an utterly galvanic, constantly changing soundscape. It’s an experience jam-packed with twists and turns bound to cross the wires of your mind upon your first few listens, leaving the inside of one’s head looking like your average instance of poor cable management.

iRis.EXE – USE ME (Independent)
Jonathan: Year after year, the musical output of iRis.EXE continues to intrigue as she expands in a myriad of different directions. “USE ME” harkens back to her 2022 release, SMiLE, with heavy breakcore and hyperpop influences meeting the more polished production style of her more recent work. The booming drum beats combined with a hypnotic synth ambience and iRis’ ethereal vocals create for an impressively well-constructed soundscape in full display for all of its two minute runtime. In view of the evolution of her sound so far, iRis.EXE has continued to innovate, creating a brand of electronic music that is truly her own.

God Complex – Salt & Ash (SHARPTONE)
Nick: One of my most cherished UK acts, God Complex, have returned with a vengeance, now signed to the iconic Sharptone Records. Continuing right where 2021’s To Decay in a Deathless World left off, “Salt and Ash” features explosive blast beats, intense breakdowns, and a powerful production effort overseen by Loathe’s Erik Bickerstaffe. I’m beyond thrilled to see this underrated gem back in the spotlight, and I can’t wait to see what they have in store for us in the coming year.