Cage Fight – Cutting through the bullshit of our times

Hardcore, with its aggression, has often been a vessel for messages centred around the straight-edge lifestyle, family, religion and politics. “It’s direct and uncompromising, I love hardcore and have done for a long time. That ability to be direct and confront, and confront some of the things we are talking about,” remarks Cage Fight bassist Jon Reid. With numerous other bands such as FEVER 333, Stray From the Path and Incendiary embracing a similar message, Cage Fight‘s upcoming self-titled record brings a powerful socio-political message on this side of the Atlantic.

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Initially formed by Tesseract guitarist James Monteith and Jon Reid, formerly of Broken Chakra, both of whom are based out of South London, the project was later joined by vocalist Rachel Aspe. “James saw online a cover of The Black Dahlia Murder that Rachel had posted and was like “oh my god this is great”. She was looking for some sort of project and we sent her one of the tracks, 24 hours later she had vocaled it and sent it back.” With vocals quickly laid down on two other tracks, Cage Fight released their debut single, “Hope Castrated“, in 2021, which saw the group gain considerable traction. “It happened very quickly, we got blown away by the response. Interest from the industry and that, and from that we got for the opportunity to do an album. We wrote and recorded in about six months, turning it from the bedroom project to a “band”.”.

The record, with the addition of Nick Plews on drums, was an effort which saw each member contribute their own influences and experiences. “We sketch the songs together and work together, we discuss lyrical content. Rachel talks about some of her experiences and then try to turn that into a song.” For Cage Fight to be what it is, with its raw and impassioned message, lyrics are undoubtedly at the heart of it. “Words and lyrics are very important to me and in doing that and whether they have a meaning to you and other people,” comments Reid, who has a background as a MC, and later adding, “To package it in that and provide that insight, we’re talking about stuff that matters to us and hopefully people get something out of that.“.

With lyrics structured around racism, injustice, political corruption and the societal divisions that seemingly increase each day, Cage Fight present a message in a much-needed and fitting manner. Its content empowers listeners to strive for better but also act as catharsis for the frustrations of the world . “Politics run through the vein of anything and everything we do,Reid reflects. “For me it was important to have those in the songs. We’re not hiding anything we’re saying, I don’t necessarily think we should preach but if you hear it you know what we’re saying.

At the mention of hardcore, images of fervent shows with the mic being passed around and lyrics being screamed back spring to mind. Despite only being a band for 14 months, Cage Fight are beginning to see the foundations of what might be similar scenes to come. “I could see people sing “Respect Ends“, and that was just amazing to me. Even seeing people starting to learn the lyrics, none of this was planned.” However, for now Reid is enjoying the moments of group’s beginnings. “We’re just seeing where this goes, it’s so humbling to do that. I think the message is real and if people are getting something from that and being empowered by that, it’s incredible to me.

With a debut album on the horizon that will grab the attention of many, Cage Fight will become a force to be reckoned with in both live and studio performances. There will be plenty of opportunities to see Cage Fight deliver their intensive and energetic sound live. “For me, to play live, that is what it’s all about. Writing is great and I cherish that side of things but it’s about making a racket on stage.” concludes Reid, who is no stranger to performing in a live setting. Now, with everything seemingly in place for the band to take the next few months by storm, crowds and listeners will need to tie-up their shoes laces and buckle up for what Cage Fight are about to unleash.

Cage Fight will release their self-titled album on May 13th via Candlelight Records and Spinefarm UK, and can be pre-ordered here.