It’s not about who’s right or wrong.”

It’s been a busy year for South Korean sextet IVE. Following their debut single “ELEVEN”, in late 2021, breakout singles “LOVE DIVE” and “After LIKE” caused their popularity to skyrocket. Not only has 2023 already seen the release of their debut album, I’VE IVE, but the group also made their Japanese single debut with “WAVE”, and even a promotional track for Pepsi. Consisting of Gaeul, Yujin and Wonyoung (alumni of IZ*ONE), Rei, Liz, and Leeseo, the kpop outfit are known for their vocal versatility and consistently favourable title tracks. They show no signs of slowing down as they present I’VE MINE, their debut EP.

Right from the pre-release singles, the group’s approach is unique. “Off The Record” takes after the recent retro-inspired wave in kpop. Led by funky basslines, it sounds a more mellow version of the recent sound Dua Lipa has been pushing. Although not a new concept by any means, it’s still executed very well. Yujin‘s soulful vocals fit the chorus excellently. “Either Way” takes a slower, more melancholic approach which is unusual for the group. Lyrically, it has some rather heartfelt moments, reflecting on the ups and downs the group has experienced so far. A spacey, synth-laden track gives a chance for all the members to display their singing abilities, and Liz in particular delivers a spectacular performance. While both tracks don’t have the immediate ‘wow factor’ of their previous lead singles, there is something to appreciate in their subtle nature.

Title track “Baddie” is the antithesis to this, taking the bolder, attitude-laden approach. The deep, electronic basslines form the foundation for a rap-focused track. The chorus initially had me jaded with the anti-chorus trend, but it eventually grew on me as the flows of each member fill in the sound well. The rapline of Rei and Gaeul get to shine most, but the adaptability of the members is the real highlight, being able to retain each of their styles; Leeseo displays her often overlooked ability to match the vibe of the track. It does feel cliché in parts, undoubtedly, but there is enough in the production elements that keep it from becoming stale. Overall, it feels like a better executed version of “Kitsch”.

“Holy Moly” sounds like a spiritual successor “ELEVEN”, from its steadily increasing tempo at the start to the chorus taking cues from its post-chorus. “OTT”, written by Wonyoung, follows in the same vein, seeming to rehash ideas from previous track “I WANT”. The retro basslines make a return, backed with a pretty layer of synth ambience. The duo present interesting details and good performances from the members, though they are a bit short and certainly possessed room for further development.

Closer track “Payback” takes the energy of the EP up a notch, utilizing booming 808-type drums on a 6/8 beat. The electronically-focused track progresses in a satisfying manner, with some interesting guitar leads in the bridge bringing an interesting flavour. It does entertain my fantasy of IVE performing a full-on rock track, which they are most definitely capable of. Overall, the mix of elements make it a pleasant song and an apt conclusion.

With its nostalgia-inspired influences, I’VE MINE ends up being a subtler approach for the group. Save for “Baddie”, most of the tracks give a chance for the members to show off their gentler singing capabilities, something they most definitely carried out well. Lyrical themes of self-love and acceptance have been quite common these days, and it’s a theme that IVE manage to pull off in a genuine manner. Undeniably, the EP’s overall sound does feel safe in some regards, with a lot of familiar sounds on display; it doesn’t have the in-your-face nature of IVE’s previous releases, which has the effect, for better or for worse, of making it easy to listen to. That being said, it’s still a great display of the members’ abilities to take on a subtler approach, particularly given the quick turnaround from their debut album earlier this year. I’VE MINE further solidifies IVE as a multitalented group.


I’VE MINE releases today via Starship Entertainment. Order the EP here.